Electronic & Communication Engineering
The Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering was established in 1997. This is an age of communication and the department is geared with all the facilities, equipment and expertise to keep pace with it. Department can boast of highly developed infrastructure and professionally trained faculty. Knowledge of communication engineering is incomplete without adequate knowledge of antenna & wave propagation. The department has highly advanced antenna lab comprising of all types of antennae. It offers Under Graduate course (B.E.) in the field of Electronics and Communication Engineering, and a Post Graduate course (M.E.) in Digital Communication. The department is equipped with the state-of-art equipment’s and has well-developed laboratories in the related fields. The department has secured the most updated equipment in the microwave lab like solid state klystron power supply, gun oscillator, isolator, Frequency meter, Attenuator, Matched terminator, VSWR meter etc.
About Electronics & Communication Lab ( DIGITAL ELECTRONICS )
This lab is purely related to the digital system. This lab is also well equipped and in proper working condition. there are various types of ICs and equipment used in digital system designing. Students complete their mini projects based on digital logic. Various types of experiments like half & Full adder, counters, registers are performed and designed on a breadboard and many microcontrollers and microprocessors are being studied which are used in designing of automatic and robotic systems.
We have a well-equipped analogue electronics lab for 4th semester ECE students. Some experiments need display devices, so we have DSOs instead of CROs as DSO have good quality and high accuracy. Experiments such as PN junction diode characteristics, DIAC, TRIAC, rectifier, clipper and clamper circuits are performed here. This lab is always open for those who are eager to learn more and do various projects work.
( Microprocessor Lab )
This lab provides experience on programming and testing of few electronic circuits using 8086 and 8051 simulator. Also there are some interface experiments between trainer kit and personal computers, which will makes the students to learn the basic interfacing concepts such as ADC/DAC interface, stepper motor interface, display interface, relay interface etc.
( Workshop )
Electronics Engineering Workshop provides a basic introduction of electronic hardware systems and provides hands-on training with familiarization, identification, testing, assembling, dismantling, fabrication and repairing such systems by making use of the various tools and instruments available in the Electronics Workshop. Experiments-for the Familiarization and testing of electronic components (Active, Passive, Electrical, Electronic, Electro-mechanical, Wires, Cables, Connectors, Fuses, Switches, Relays, etc. ), instruments (Multimeter, Function Generator, Power supply, CRO); Familiarization, design and fabrication of a single-sided PCB; Inter-connection methods and soldering practice; Assembling of electronic circuit/system on general purpose PCB, test and show the functioning- are the experiments conducted in this lab.
( Communication Lab )
Focus on the fundamentals in the field of Communication Engineering is very important as it enables the students in coping up with the ever-evolving technology. A Chinese proverb states that “I Hear and I Forget, I See and I Remember, I Do and I Understand”.The Communication Laboratory facilitates the students to understand the basic concepts by providing hands-on exercises with Analog Communication Circuits. The fundamental concepts such as amplitude and frequency modulation, pulse modulation techniques, filters, oscillators, the superheterodyne receiver, time division multiplexing, phase locked loop, signaling techniques like ASK, FSK, PSK are implemented in the lab to reinforce the basic principles introduced during theory lessons.The Laboratory is equipped with Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes, Storage Oscilloscopes, Function Generators, Power Supplies and a demo kit to demonstrate Amplitude Modulation & Demodulation. It has a well-stocked store of discrete components and Analog and Digital Integrated circuits to cater to the experiments executed in the lab.
( Microwave Lab )
This Lab provides support for training the students in the area of communication engineering. The circuits performing the analogue and pulse modulation schemes experiment on breadboards. Microwave test bench (Klystron tube) and the dipole antenna setup are the highlights of this lab. Modulation and demodulation in both analog and pulse domain, studying the characteristics of klystron tube and VSWR measurement, plotting the radiation pattern of dipole antenna are some of the important experiments conducted in this lab.